İzmir Özel Türk Koleji

Primary School PCG Studies

Orientation Studies: They are studies to be done so that students can adapt to school and PDR Service can be introduced.

• What is PDR service and where is it?

• What can I share with PDR service?


Student Knowing Studies: Individual student meetings, class activities - opportunity education (student observation)


Progressional Counselling Studies: ‘’Progressional Counselling Approach’’ is dominant in the base of primary school PDR studies.All progress areas of students are observed.


Educational Counselling Studies: They are counselling studies done in order to determine students’ interests, talents, characteristics, learning difficulties and educational needs.


Protective Mental Health Practices: They are protective guidance practices before facing problems of different ages.

• Conflict solving and joining the games

• Personal-group-class guidance practices towards privacy education

• Saying no-protecting from dangers-being cautious activities

• Top-Bottom BEP Practices

• Attention Improvement Practices


School Maturity Scale Practices: “Marmara School Maturity Scale” is applied to everyone who attended in 1st grade and continues preparation classes. Scale reports are being shared with families and class teacher.


Group Activities: They are guidance activities for primary school students to know themselves better, realize their emotions, express themselves correctly, active listening and empathize and improve their problem solving skills.


Group Activities for Parents: They are group activities which aims the parents to support children’s education life by remembering their own education life.


Seminar Activities for Parents:  Expert Seminars: They are long parent-expert seminar activities about planned or needed subjects by experts.


Bulletin Activities for Parents-Students: They are informing activities about needed topics.