An Understanding of Education that Reaches out to Future with Strong Values
In primary school, the class teacher is of utmost importance. From fourth grade on, Positive Sciences and Mathematics lessons are taught by branch teachers. In elementary grades, every class is taught by separate and outstanding branch teachers whereas every class has a mentor teacher.
We have well equipped laboratories with strong technologic infrastructure where the students can shaer their performance homeworks with their teachers, peers and parents. Our laboratories aim to spark an enthusiasm to learn with these studies to pave the way for the students to a lifelong learning and a learning as a principle.
20 Hours of English in the Preparatory classes
The English language programme starts in the kindergarten and continues in the preparatory classes as 20 hours a week. At every level, the weekly hours change and at the end of 12th grade, a student would have had 5800 hours of English language education. In the campuses, there is absolutely no talking in turkish with the English teachers. Thus the English instruction is carried out of the classes to the everyday life, enhancing the learning process.
Obligatory second foreign language programme
The second foreign language education starts by choosing one of French, German or Spanish in the preparatory class and continues until 12th grade. The work towards learning the foreign language is spiced up with the presentations of the students and the presentations shared in classes or fully equipped presentations rooms with other students contribute a lot to other students as well. Furthermore, starting from the sixth grade our students first build their own class teams in debating and then compete with other classes to win a debate tournament.
Physical Spaces Designed Especially for Branches
English, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Chess, Computer, Individual and Collective Activities and Elective Courses are led by expert and outstanding branch teachers. Our fully equipped computer classes, presentation rooms with clever boards, air conditioned classrooms with preojection devices are there fort he student to take the most quality education available.