İzmir Özel Türk Koleji

Daily life in Campuses and School Rules School Rules

School Rules

Izmir Private Turkish College students are taught to value honesty within and without school, to acknowlegde that democratic freedom depend on personal responsibilities and to respect the needs, rights and properties of others. ITK students are expected to follow these rules.


Honesty is one of the building bricks of society. All the works perfomed by the student must be their own work. Lying, cheating, tricking and taking things that belong to others without permission conflicts with honesty.

*Behaving politely to others

The most important factor in showing respect to others and also to oneself is, respect. Therefore, everybody who interacts with others in society has to care for the words they are using and their tone of speech. Within the school, students have to take care of the way they are speaking be it with their elders or their peers. When a teacher or an official comes into their classroom, students are expected to stand up facing towards them and greet them accordingly. Except from these, students are expected to greet their teacher they met within the school, even if they are not taught by them, with an appropriate “Hello”, “Good days” or “Good evening”.

*Relations with Friends

The students are expected to act with common courtesy in their relationships with peers. Humiliating, wry and judging speeches and calling names are indicators of a low level of education, if any. The students are expected to be able to distinguish between refined jokes and rude mockery and to be sensitive about this issue.

*Time Management

Today, a very important tool to help societal relations to work properly is the use of time. Time is a limited resource for people who pursue a certain activity during the day like food or water. Therefore being careful about the usage of time, not being late for any meeting, lesson, activity, ceremony is a sign of the respect for our and others’ time. Not being late and being punctual is a habit that should be well learned in the family and at school. The school regulations are set bearing this in mind. Therefore it is expected from students to attend the lectures, ceremonies and all activities punctually on time.

*Objects that should not be brought to school

There are rules about which objects should not be brought to the school and if they are, the directors must be duly informed and the students are expected to strictly follow these rules. The students cannot bring toys, playnig cards, unappropriate magazines, mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players, cameras and filming devices to the school. In case of an extraordinary case where the family must be contacted, upon the request of a parent, a mobile phone can be deposited at a vice director and can be taken when necessary during the day. At the end of the day, the mobile phone must be withdrawn from the vice director.