İzmir Özel Türk Koleji


The Pakize Yelen Library located in the İzmir Private Turkish College Bahattin Tatış Campus, was established 50 years ago to give the best support to the young brains that think,research and question and it renews itself each day.

Our library works as the center of the İzmir Private Turkish College Library System. With its 13.278 sources, 6 computers with a 24 hour internet connection, printing and scanning machines have the speed and capacity to serve the whole school, 15 magazine,which are always subscribed to and later on archived and 28.285 sources in the central system, it serves its users. Kadir Uysal Library, which is in the Bahattin Tatış Campus, is located in the primary school building and works connected to th Izmır Private Turkish College Central Library System. Inside the library is 8.913 resources and with its central system it has all technologic infrastructure and provides access to the 29.663 resources in the central system.

Our Library is classified according to the Dewey Onlu Classification System and provides service with a open shelf order.

All of our resources are downloaded on a program specifically written for our libraries and resource and member follow ups are done completely with the bar-code readers from this program.

Our library has all the technologic infrastructures to respond to its users reading,research, homework,project,presentation and cultural events.